Tuesday, February 24, 2009


was meh. woke up, got on my laptop, talked to people. then i got on Call of Duty 4 on my xbox, which im getting pretty okay at, and played that for about an hour or so. then i got in the shower and got ready to go to the bank. i closed my account at Bank of Stockton, which cost me $82.07 cause of over drafts -.-" and then went to Bank of America and opened up a student checking account over there. went down to OSH because i got a call that they were hiring so im gunna take in my application tomorrow and hope i get a job, even thought i dont know anything about the place. and then i came back home and talked to people again while i played CoD4 again, addiction much? and then Megan got out of school so she called and we talked, then she got home, and we talked on the computer, then she got in the shower, then came back, and told me to write in my blog, i said i dont wana, and she said yes, so now im writing in my blog. but i guess thats all....